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Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Christmas Gift The Big Screw Drinks Opener

Christmas Gift The Big Screw Drinks Opener

The Big Screw, is not actually very big, and come to think of it, it isn't a screw either, though if it were a screw, it would be big, as screws go. We may have laboured the point somewhat. Size aside, the little Big Screw is an ingenious piece of dipsomaniac design. Whilst we often have something on us to open a beer bottle (even if it's our teeth), getting into a bottle of wine without a corkscrew is a whole different ball game. This stylish little key ring will of course open beer and pop bottles (thus saving your gnashers from a horrible fate), but it also conceals a corkscrew, so access to wine is no longer an issue. Of course it also looks deeply stylish, tooled as it is from stainless steel, and coming with a tough fob ring and rather natty tag. Never be beaten by a wine bottle again!
Gadgets & Gizmos - I Want One Of Those