Universal remote controls that act to consolidate the control of a host of otherwise independently controlled entertainment systems are by no means a revelation, but, notwithstanding Logitech’s gorgeous Harmony 1000 Universal Remote which we posted about previously, few look quite as appealing as the new Prestigo universal remote controls from Philips.
The new Philips Prestigo SRU8015 is capable of taking charge of up to 15 separate home entertainment systems (thus enabling you to de-clutter your coffee table of up to 15 separate remotes) and comes with an on board library of 1500 brands for quick infrared control set up (supplemented by intuitive infrared learning functionality), a full colour, backlit LCD screen with native support for channel 400 icons allowing for easy channel selection all within a device that, Philips infer, is so simple to set up and operate that recourse to the manual should prove wholly unnecessary (the ‘no manual required’ element being listed as one of the products key features).
Philips Prestigo Universal Remote Control