Video glasses have had a hard time catching on, but maybe it's because of all the wires involved. Then along comes the Qingbar GP300, billed as the world's first wireless video glasses with a built-in media player. Right out of the gate, you can pack plenty of DivX videos onto a mini SD card, great for video pirates who want to walk around in a disguise that reminds everybody of Geordie from Star Trek. If you don't mind looking like a techno-wonk, the specs of these specs are not too bad at all.
While you might feel a bit claustrophobic wearing these things, their 432x240 LCoS display makes it look like there's a 50-inch screen six feet in front of you. And, if you don't feel like reaching up to the transport controls on the glasses, there's also an infrared remote included.
Gadgets & Gizmos - I Want One Of Those