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Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Zelda Twilight Princess 4 Figure Set

Zelda Twilight Princess 4 Figure Set

Do you stolidly declare that the Triforce can be found somewhere in Ocarina of Time? Do you friends get sick of you describing in detail how each Zelda game legitimately fits together in the same universe? Do you sometimes have odd dreams where you turn into a wolf and ride Midna?... Yes? Well then we have some tasty Zelda morsels fresh off the plane from Tokyo just to feed your ravenous fanboy (or fangirl) appetite. These detailed Zelda Twilight Princess Figures stand about 4" high and are the spitting image of your favorite Zelda characters. Normally you'd be forced to pump coins into Japanese claw machines to collect all of these little beauties... but because we know about your secret Zelda fetish we're selling the complete four figure set including Link, Princess Zelda, Link as Wolf (With Midna Riding) and Zant.

Zelda Twilight Princess 4 Figure Set