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Sunday, September 7, 2008

chairs from Jolyon Yates

Anyway, perhaps they're as much for my satisfaction and re-inspiration as for anyone else!

The environmental impact of designing and making things these days bares heavy on designers. The success for which we strive in production can feel like a failure in environmental terms, particularly considering the compromises made along the way just to be economically viable. And let's be honest about it, a goodly proportion of those precious natural resources as well as that powerful creative energy we nurture in our designers is still destined to pollute, to poison and to fill holes.

That's not to say that low volume production is environmentally friendly, it's not! You're just looking for a better return on much fewer objects, which will by nature have less impact.

It's terrifying also that it's become almost impossible to make everyday products in the West. We ship our orders, increasingly our physical skills and know-how and ultimately our wealth to the East. from OdeChair: Contemporary organic chairs from Jolyon Yates