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Friday, December 7, 2007

Gadget Hip Holster

Gadget Hip Holster

Travelling through hyperspace isn't like dustin' crops, boy! For one thing, you've got to make sure you've got all your gear with you. You've got a cell-phone, iPod, headphones, keys, memory stick, sunglasses... Before you know it, your pockets are bulging, and you've got nowhere to hook your thumbs and look cool.

Before you go gallivanting around the 'verse, you've got to have style and panache. The freighter Captain who plays by his own rules, but shows his loyalty and sense of duty when the chips are down... the girls love the intergalactic rogue-type. Especially those space-princesses and ambassador / companions. So, whether you're making the Kessel run, or just smuggling some Alliance branded foodstuffs to some backwards moon, you'll need your stuff.

Gadget Hip Holster