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Friday, December 7, 2007

Soldius 1 Solar Charger

Soldius 1 Solar Charger

The cost of most forms of energy has increased a lot recently. Thankfully, the energy emitted from the Sun is still free (until some scrooge genius figures out how to charge for it). The Soldius 1 Solar Charger can help you tap into this free source of energy; you just plug it in and point it towards the Sun. It generates enough power to fully recharge your device batteries in just 2 to 3 hours (in direct sunlight).
Compatible with all iPod flavors it also includes adapters for more than 250 models of mobile phones. With the extra demands on batteries due to the photo and video capabilities of our devices, the ability to recharge on the go is pretty essential. The device folds in half and it's light enough to fit in your shirt pocket or purse. The Soldius 1 is smaller than previous solar chargers because it does not contain a battery.

Soldius 1 Solar Charger